Sunday, September 5, 2010

An Explanation and Introduction

Welcome to my randomness...
     Last year, I saw the movie "Julie and Julia." You know, the movie about a young woman who finds joy and inspiration by cooking through the Julia Child cookbook and blogging about her experience. Well, I hated the movie, even considered it a waste of my time (sorry if you did like it). But I have to admit that the movie did inspire me to begin a blog.
     You see, ever since I decided to become a teacher back in college, I've been collecting thoughts and opinions on teaching. Based on observations, experiences, conversations, and feedback, I've come to the conclusion that teaching is an evolving job where no one can acheive perfection. Yet that does not give any teacher, no matter the grade level, an excuse to be mediocre. As cliche as it sounds, teachers have a profound influence on the future generation (which can be positive or negative). I owe it to every student that comes through my door to be the best teacher I can be.
     There are several books about what it takes to be a great teacher. I've read some of them and find myself agreeing with some points and disagreeing with others. I figure this blog could be my version of those books, and perhaps one day, I will write a book based on this blog (just like in the movie...). I'll be the first to admit that I am no expert when it comes to teaching and I can understand how more experienced teachers can be skeptical of anything I say. But my hope is that this blog can be a resource for any teacher wanting to constantly be better. And that it can start a conversation about where teaching needs to go in the future.
     I should probably take a moment to explain my blog's title. I'm not ashamed to admit that I am a huge fan of the show "Saved By the Bell." (I own all the episodes on DVD). In fact, I play the show's theme song as parents arrive to Back to School Night. You can be sure that I will probably make several refrences to the show in my blog posts. Think of my posts as Zack's "time out" moments when he addresses the audience

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